Ward Wide Community Events
Councillor Darouze's website hosts a community calendar that features community events from around the ward.
Local business Directory (OWBA)
The Osgoode Ward Business Association (OWBA) is a non-profit organization created by local business people and supported by our local politicians. They promote a vision of positive and sustained networking, support and growth opportunities for the more than 600 businesses in the area, each a vital part of economic development in Osgoode Ward.
Our community resource centre (NROCRC)
The mission of the Nepean Rideau Osgoode Community Resource Centre (NROCRC) is to work in partnership with community members and stakeholders to improve the social determinants of health and meet the needs of the diverse communities within Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode.
NROCRC offer an array of services including the Rural CDF project, short term counselling, elder abuse response and referral program (EARRS), diabetes education, income tax clinics, legal services and so much more! See the website for details.
NROCRC offer an array of services including the Rural CDF project, short term counselling, elder abuse response and referral program (EARRS), diabetes education, income tax clinics, legal services and so much more! See the website for details.
OSgoode Youth Association (O-YA)
The Mission of the Osgoode Youth Association is to enrich the quality of life for youth in Grades 2 - 12 in rural south Ottawa. We are dedicated to harnessing our community to deliver a rich variety of programs aimed at social recreation, skill building, leadership, mental health, healthy relationships, physical activity and culture; supporting young people in their development as successful, independent and involved citizens. Mayor Watson calls O-YA the "gold standard of youth centres in Ottawa"
Rural Ottawa South Support Services (R.o.S.S.S)
Rural Ottawa South Support Services (ROSSS) is a non-profit, charitable organization committed to excellence in the delivery of rural community support services. It champions the rights of seniors, peoples with disabilities and caregivers.
Rural Ottawa Youth Mental HEalth Collecitve
The goal of the Rural Ottawa Youth Mental Health Collective (ROYMHC) is to help rural Ottawa youth feel supported if they need mental health help and making sure they know where to go for support if they need it. We know there are challenges with accessing mental health supports that are unique to rural Ottawa youth. Whether it's distance, transportation, not knowing what resources exist, or a lack of privacy / ability to access existing resources, we are listening to your concerns and working hard to ensure that you feel supported.
Osgoode emergency Food cupboard
Not affliated with the osgoode village community association |
The Osgoode Emergency Food Cupboard is available for any Osgoode Ward resident in need.
Address: 2540 Stagecoach Rd
Catholic Church St.John the Evangelist
Enter through back door to the basement
Contact: 613-821-1481
Hours: Saturday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
** Delivery available