Current Constitution
The Osgoode Village Community Association was established on March 2nd, 2004.
OVCA: Osgoode Village Community Association
AGM: Annual General Meeting
BOD: Board of Directors
Non Profit: The Association shall be carried on without the purpose of gain for its members, directors, and executive. Any profits or other accretions to the association shall be used in promoting its objectives. Officers and Directors may be refunded “reasonable expenses” incurred in the performance of their duties for the community association.
Osgoode Boundries: Rideau River in the west, just north of Waterfront Road in the north overland to Stagecoach Road, and then overland south to connect to 4th Line Road in the east. Dalmeny Road to the Rideau River makes up the southern boundary. Residents who live right on the edge of the boundary or 1 kilometre beyond it can decide whether they want to align themselves with Osgoode or surrounding associations in Greely, Metcalfe or Vernon.
The mandate of the Association is to Liaise with the City of Ottawa to initiate, promote, support, co-ordinate and communicate the activities, concerns and efforts of the community for the community by the community and shall include but not limited to the following.
3.1 To act as a community representative in promoting and protecting the interests of the community
3.2 To communicate local news and events to Osgoode Village and surrounding area.
3.3 To support and promote programs that provide for the safety and security of the community
3.4 To undertake and encourage social and recreational activities that the Association deems to be for benefit to the community e.g. civic celebrations
3.5 To cooperate with other community groups and businesses in the area and in the city
3.6 To accept grants, donations, gifts, legacies and bequests in order to carry out the above mandate.
4.1 Osgoode Village Community Association does not charge membership fees at this time, but reserves the right to do so at it’s discretion, and by majority vote of the BOD.
4.2 Membership in the Association is open to any resident 18 years or older within Osgoode Village boundaries. Members will have voting privileges at Annual General Meetings. Members are also welcome to attend the Regular Monthly Board Meetings of the association, but will not have voting privileges at these meetings.
5.1 The Board of Directors shall include the Officers and Directors. The Officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Past President (Ex officio) the Treasurer and the Secretary. In addition, there shall be a communications officer and up to a maximum of three Directors at Large (for a total of 9 members on the Board of Directors). The duties of the BOD shall be defined in Article 9 of this Constitution.
5.2 The Officers and Directors shall be elected to office at an Annual General Meeting by the majority vote cast by the membership.
5.3 Each Director shall be 18 or more years of age and a member of the Association.
5.4 Each Officer and Director shall have one vote at the regular monthly board meetings as scheduled by the board.
5.5 Each Officer and Director will attend a minimum of 8 regular monthly meetings annually (a prearranged delegate can attend in their stead with a proxy)
5.6 A quorum at the regular monthly board meetings shall consist of 50 percent plus one including a President or Vice President.0
5.7 Terms of office for Officers and Directors shall consist of three years each. Terms may be extended by one-year periods pending approval by the membership at each Annual General Meeting.
5.8 A nomination committee consisting of two Directors and one regular member shall obtain a proposed roster of Officers and Directors in advance of the Annual General Meeting and present them to the membership.
5.9 Nominations may also be taken from the floor at the Annual General Meeting for any position on the board that is vacant. It would require a mover and seconder. If necessary, a vote shall be organized and supervised by the immediate past president.
5.10 In the event a member of the Board resigns, the President may appoint someone to fill a vacant position until the next Annual General Meeting.
An Officer or Director will be removed under the following:
6.1 The Officer or Director resigns their position.
6.2 Two thirds (2/3) of BOD pass a resolution that the Director or Officer be removed from office by way of secret ballot.
6.3 An Officer or Director has failed to carry out the duties assigned to their position.
6.4 An Officer or Director misses 3 consecutive meetings without reasonable cause
6.5 An Officer or Director dies.
The Board of Directors may appoint Committees, and may specify the terms of reference and delegated powers of such committees. Committee chairs will be members of the Board of Directors. The Board may invite non-members to sit without vote on committees as advisors. Committees report to the General Meeting through the Board.
Amendments to the Constitution shall be voted on at an Annual General Meeting, or any special meeting called for that purpose.
Notice of any intended amendments shall be provided to the community at least 30 days in advance prior to such meeting.
Amendments shall require the approval of not less than two thirds of those members present at the meeting.
The President is responsible for ensuring good board practices including the effectiveness of meetings and adherence to all governing documents and shall preside over all meetings of the BOD. The President shall govern the general and active management of the affairs of the Association including co-signing all cheques issued on behalf of the Association. The President shall see that all decisions of the Board of Directors are carried out.
The Vice-President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties of the President and shall perform such other duties from time to time as directed by the Board of Directors.
The treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the Association and shall keep full and accurate records of all assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements of the Association in the books belonging to the Association and shall deposit all monies and other valuables in the name and to the credit of the Association in a bank or trust company. The treasurer shall disburse the funds of the Association as directed and shall render to the Board an account of all transactions in detail at the monthly meeting of the Association. The treasurer will provide the secretary with an electronic copy of the monthly balance sheet for attachment to the association’s minute books. The treasurer shall also perform such other duties as directed by the Board of Directors.
The secretary shall be responsible for documenting the work of the board. This includes the recording of minutes or notes of meetings, the recording of board policies, maintaining a list of current board members, issuing notices of meetings, board correspondence and the submission of legal documents. The secretary is also responsible for the updating and storage of the Association’s Minute Book.
The communications director shall maintain the Association’s social media accounts and web site under the direction of the BOD. This officer will be responsible for updating and posting events as well as maintaining a calendar of events for the community.
The Directors are responsible for acting in the best long-term interests of the organization and its community. A Director will contribute with informed decision-making, broad knowledge, and an inclusive perspective to support the advancement of the Associations mandate. The Directors shall also perform such other duties as directed by the Board of Directors.
10.1 Board Members must not use obscenities, or vulgar language when communicating on social media.
10.2 Board Members shall refer all requests for comments and statements from the media to the OVCA President.
10.3 Board Members must not use social media to harass, bully or intimidate other board members or community members. Behaviours that constitute harassment and bullying include, but are not limited to, comments that are derogatory with respect to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, colour, or disability; sexually suggestive, humiliating or degrading comments and threats to stalk, haze, or physically injure another member.
10.4 When Board Members communicate with anyone outside the organization, they are a representation of OVCA. Always be careful that the language and manner reflect professionalism, and respect.
10.5 It is the practice of OVCA that all communications sent out should be consistent in format, in the interest of professionalism. All official OVCA communication is to be made through the official OVCA website or social media outlets and not on personal accounts of Board Members.
This Constitution came into force upon adoption by a Community meeting at the Osgoode Community Centre on the 2nd day of March 2004.
This Constitution was revised as it appears here by the majority vote during an Annual General Meeting on January 29, 2009.
This Constitution was revised January 22, 2015 by majority vote during an Annual General Meeting.
This Constitution was revised February 11, 2020 by majority vote during an Annual General Meeting.
In the event of OVCA being dissolved, the amount that remains after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be donated to another organization with similar purposes which is not carried on for the profit or gain of its individual members.
The Osgoode Village Community Association was established on March 2nd, 2004.
OVCA: Osgoode Village Community Association
AGM: Annual General Meeting
BOD: Board of Directors
Non Profit: The Association shall be carried on without the purpose of gain for its members, directors, and executive. Any profits or other accretions to the association shall be used in promoting its objectives. Officers and Directors may be refunded “reasonable expenses” incurred in the performance of their duties for the community association.
Osgoode Boundries: Rideau River in the west, just north of Waterfront Road in the north overland to Stagecoach Road, and then overland south to connect to 4th Line Road in the east. Dalmeny Road to the Rideau River makes up the southern boundary. Residents who live right on the edge of the boundary or 1 kilometre beyond it can decide whether they want to align themselves with Osgoode or surrounding associations in Greely, Metcalfe or Vernon.
The mandate of the Association is to Liaise with the City of Ottawa to initiate, promote, support, co-ordinate and communicate the activities, concerns and efforts of the community for the community by the community and shall include but not limited to the following.
3.1 To act as a community representative in promoting and protecting the interests of the community
3.2 To communicate local news and events to Osgoode Village and surrounding area.
3.3 To support and promote programs that provide for the safety and security of the community
3.4 To undertake and encourage social and recreational activities that the Association deems to be for benefit to the community e.g. civic celebrations
3.5 To cooperate with other community groups and businesses in the area and in the city
3.6 To accept grants, donations, gifts, legacies and bequests in order to carry out the above mandate.
4.1 Osgoode Village Community Association does not charge membership fees at this time, but reserves the right to do so at it’s discretion, and by majority vote of the BOD.
4.2 Membership in the Association is open to any resident 18 years or older within Osgoode Village boundaries. Members will have voting privileges at Annual General Meetings. Members are also welcome to attend the Regular Monthly Board Meetings of the association, but will not have voting privileges at these meetings.
5.1 The Board of Directors shall include the Officers and Directors. The Officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Past President (Ex officio) the Treasurer and the Secretary. In addition, there shall be a communications officer and up to a maximum of three Directors at Large (for a total of 9 members on the Board of Directors). The duties of the BOD shall be defined in Article 9 of this Constitution.
5.2 The Officers and Directors shall be elected to office at an Annual General Meeting by the majority vote cast by the membership.
5.3 Each Director shall be 18 or more years of age and a member of the Association.
5.4 Each Officer and Director shall have one vote at the regular monthly board meetings as scheduled by the board.
5.5 Each Officer and Director will attend a minimum of 8 regular monthly meetings annually (a prearranged delegate can attend in their stead with a proxy)
5.6 A quorum at the regular monthly board meetings shall consist of 50 percent plus one including a President or Vice President.0
5.7 Terms of office for Officers and Directors shall consist of three years each. Terms may be extended by one-year periods pending approval by the membership at each Annual General Meeting.
5.8 A nomination committee consisting of two Directors and one regular member shall obtain a proposed roster of Officers and Directors in advance of the Annual General Meeting and present them to the membership.
5.9 Nominations may also be taken from the floor at the Annual General Meeting for any position on the board that is vacant. It would require a mover and seconder. If necessary, a vote shall be organized and supervised by the immediate past president.
5.10 In the event a member of the Board resigns, the President may appoint someone to fill a vacant position until the next Annual General Meeting.
An Officer or Director will be removed under the following:
6.1 The Officer or Director resigns their position.
6.2 Two thirds (2/3) of BOD pass a resolution that the Director or Officer be removed from office by way of secret ballot.
6.3 An Officer or Director has failed to carry out the duties assigned to their position.
6.4 An Officer or Director misses 3 consecutive meetings without reasonable cause
6.5 An Officer or Director dies.
The Board of Directors may appoint Committees, and may specify the terms of reference and delegated powers of such committees. Committee chairs will be members of the Board of Directors. The Board may invite non-members to sit without vote on committees as advisors. Committees report to the General Meeting through the Board.
Amendments to the Constitution shall be voted on at an Annual General Meeting, or any special meeting called for that purpose.
Notice of any intended amendments shall be provided to the community at least 30 days in advance prior to such meeting.
Amendments shall require the approval of not less than two thirds of those members present at the meeting.
The President is responsible for ensuring good board practices including the effectiveness of meetings and adherence to all governing documents and shall preside over all meetings of the BOD. The President shall govern the general and active management of the affairs of the Association including co-signing all cheques issued on behalf of the Association. The President shall see that all decisions of the Board of Directors are carried out.
The Vice-President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties of the President and shall perform such other duties from time to time as directed by the Board of Directors.
The treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the Association and shall keep full and accurate records of all assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements of the Association in the books belonging to the Association and shall deposit all monies and other valuables in the name and to the credit of the Association in a bank or trust company. The treasurer shall disburse the funds of the Association as directed and shall render to the Board an account of all transactions in detail at the monthly meeting of the Association. The treasurer will provide the secretary with an electronic copy of the monthly balance sheet for attachment to the association’s minute books. The treasurer shall also perform such other duties as directed by the Board of Directors.
The secretary shall be responsible for documenting the work of the board. This includes the recording of minutes or notes of meetings, the recording of board policies, maintaining a list of current board members, issuing notices of meetings, board correspondence and the submission of legal documents. The secretary is also responsible for the updating and storage of the Association’s Minute Book.
The communications director shall maintain the Association’s social media accounts and web site under the direction of the BOD. This officer will be responsible for updating and posting events as well as maintaining a calendar of events for the community.
The Directors are responsible for acting in the best long-term interests of the organization and its community. A Director will contribute with informed decision-making, broad knowledge, and an inclusive perspective to support the advancement of the Associations mandate. The Directors shall also perform such other duties as directed by the Board of Directors.
10.1 Board Members must not use obscenities, or vulgar language when communicating on social media.
10.2 Board Members shall refer all requests for comments and statements from the media to the OVCA President.
10.3 Board Members must not use social media to harass, bully or intimidate other board members or community members. Behaviours that constitute harassment and bullying include, but are not limited to, comments that are derogatory with respect to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, colour, or disability; sexually suggestive, humiliating or degrading comments and threats to stalk, haze, or physically injure another member.
10.4 When Board Members communicate with anyone outside the organization, they are a representation of OVCA. Always be careful that the language and manner reflect professionalism, and respect.
10.5 It is the practice of OVCA that all communications sent out should be consistent in format, in the interest of professionalism. All official OVCA communication is to be made through the official OVCA website or social media outlets and not on personal accounts of Board Members.
This Constitution came into force upon adoption by a Community meeting at the Osgoode Community Centre on the 2nd day of March 2004.
This Constitution was revised as it appears here by the majority vote during an Annual General Meeting on January 29, 2009.
This Constitution was revised January 22, 2015 by majority vote during an Annual General Meeting.
This Constitution was revised February 11, 2020 by majority vote during an Annual General Meeting.
In the event of OVCA being dissolved, the amount that remains after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be donated to another organization with similar purposes which is not carried on for the profit or gain of its individual members.